
From time to time individuals need to raise money as well. It’s not always easy to raise extra funds, but there are a few ideas that can work out in regards to individual fundraising ideas. That’s right, anyone can make a little extra money by simply taking some of the following steps.

3 Great Personal Fundraising Ideas for Individuals

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The first thing to look into is blogging. Yes, blogging, which should be ubiquitous by this point. If you haven’t started a blog, start one today, and write about things you personally love. Everybody loves something, find something you’re passionate about and just start talking. You don’t need to spend a lot to start one; there are free programs to use. Once you’ve found even a few readers, put up a donation link and watch personal fundraising ideas in action. This takes some time to develop, but anyone can generate a few tips here and there, and if savvy enough, you can earn money from ads on your site.

The second option to look into is recommending products online which is called affiliate marketing. If you’re looking to quit your job out of this, things can be really hard, but if you’re just looking for a few dollars here and there, this is a good plan of action. Simply look for an affiliate program, join, and send the link to all your friends and family and explain to them how it works. Most options in this arena allow you to link products and services that you or someone you know already use, and they can purchase them and generate a commission for you.

A third idea can really generate some nice income. Go to the supermarket, purchase brownie mix and bake a batch. Cut the squares into individual servings, and take them to your office, meeting place, or anywhere you might travel and sell them for $1 each. You’ll be surprised how often this works. Do not get in trouble, and make sure to ask people in charge before going forward with this option. This is a go to plan for anyone that is looking to make a few extra cents, and just like schools, community groups and many other places use this to raise funds, you can too.